Funding Body and Trust in India

Funding body of the school in Pauri as well as partner of the association Pan Terra in Switzerland and the association Freund der Völker e.V. in Germany is the Shin Shiva Charitable Trust (SSCT) in Delhi, India.

The Shin Shiva Charitable Trust is a charitable and approved Indian aid organization, working internationally to unify culture and people. This work is focused especially on the protection of human dignity and support of those in request for help in developing and disaster areas. So far, the project focus lies in India, where it is financed and implemented primarily as help for self-help.

The SSCT, with its office in New Delhi, is working location based in Garhwal, State of Uttaranchal (Northern India), and in the State of Pondicherry. The state government in New Delhi acknowledges and gladly accepts the trust as a small, flexible and native aid organization which is providing inland help.

This also applies to the foreign partners of the SSCT in India.
In India, the trust can rely on the trust of the government in New Delhi, the state governments of Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal, and on the public authorities and the state government of Pondicherry.

Office for correspondence in India
Shin Shiva Charitable Trust
A-702, Rosewood Apartments,
Mayur Vihar Ph-I ext, New Delhi 91, India
Dilbar Singh Parihar +91 88602 19005
Rohit Parihar +91 97111 59170