Projects and Running Costs

In our school new purchases are necessary regularly, the construction is still in progress, the children need clothes, food and medical care. Below you can learn about our most urgent challenges as well as examples of running costs. We are pleased about every support which comes from the heart, regardless how big or small! If you want to know how you can make a donation, you can find all necessary information on the page Donate now.

Music is in the air

€ 2500

Donated so far. Heartfelt thanks.

We are looking for
a music teacher
various musical instruments
a music system for the cultural programme

Costs: approx. € 4000
for 1 year teacher salary, instruments and music equipment

Structure of the High School

€ 5.000

Donated so far. Heartfelt thanks.

The school is growing strongly. There are many requests from parents, and therefore the construction of the school is unavoidable.

300 pupils can then be admitted – from rich and poor families. This will enable the school to become self-supporting.

Increasingly, children from the Nature Primary School are now reaching the age to attend a secondary school. A change to a conventional college is often difficult for many children and parents. They would like to complete their High-School degree here.

The aim of the High-School is that all children, from kindergarten to the start of their work life, can learn all the academic possibilities of Integral Learning and Intuitive Doing for their life’s journey.

You can find out more about the High School building project here.


Trees for Planting

Dryness and lack of water is a problem in India. If many trees are planted, nevertheless, the climate can change.
The children also learn during the lessons to protect and watch the earth, while every child adopts several trees as a godfather and takes care for these trees.
10 trees cost 30 euro.

30 euro

Medical Care

Regular medical camps are a great help for the surrounding population. Many people come on these days, to consult and treat themselves in health questions free of charge. Two physicians and drugs are available.
Expenses for one medical camp 200 euro.

200 euro

Meals for All Children

The children get daily a free warm lunch. This allows regulated meals and a healthy, well-balanced food to the children. The children enjoy very much to eat daily in common round.
Food for one month per child 10 euro.

10 euro

Shoes and Clothing

Uniform clothes help the children to feel equal no matter from which caste or family they are. We take care to buy natural textiles. All children receive shoes and clothing free of charge.
Shoes and uniform per child cost yearly 30 euro.

30 euro


You can support our main projects like salaries for the teachers, monthly expenses for a child, monthly meals for children and teachers, maintenance for the school bus etc., with a project sponsorship.

With a monthly contribution starting from 30 euro you contribute to a long-term financing of the nature school in India. This will improve the life of children and their families with lasting effect.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us, we are pleased to help! Phone +49 (0)7506 9517983 or email