Get Involved


To spread our idea, we need people who believe in a change and support them with their possibilities. In addition to the urgently needed financial support, there are other possibilities.

Tell others about the nature school PARAMARTH AWADHAWAN, talk to people about the project. Encourage people to think about it.

Show children this website and the pictures of this school. Children like to be committed to the future.

Spread our projects through social media like Facebook, Twitter and others.


You would like to support us vigorously and actively?
Here are some incentives and ideas on how to collect donations. Let yourself be inspired.
There are ideas like sand at the ocean!

Your occasion for a meaningful future

Start a fund-raiser for your birthday or another festive occasion.

  • You can ask your guests to choose one of the meaningful donations for the nature school in India instead of a personal gift
  • Or if you want to spontaneously initiate a donation collection, you have the possibility to set up a donation box to invoke your guests to a donation for the children.

Carry out a donation run

A race can be a marathon, a relay race, a race or something like that. The runners receive a certain amount from sponsors, for example from the private environment – parents, friends, acquaintances – or from one or more companies, per round and participant.

Fun, joy and sporty ambition then lead the runners to accomplish as many rounds as possible. The whole run is limited to a time frame. Of course there are many different types of discipline: in-line skating, running parcour, skateboarding, walking etc. There are no limits to creativity!

Put a sign with your company

For many companies, sustainable action and the assumption of social responsibility is an integral part of their corporate culture. In addition to pure company donations, there are also many creative possibilities to support our nature school. Share your commitment to a new education culture for the children with your business partners, colleagues and customers!Create a donation club and report regularly on the development of the project. It is a pleasure to bring something meaningful forward together.

Inspire your customers to donate together at your company anniversary or host company celebrations in favor of the nature school.

We are already supported by many companies, some of which you can find on the page Our sponsors and donators.

Children for children

Children love to stand up for other children in the world. Wonderful ideas come about, because children are creative. Ask children about their ideas!

Here a few donation ideas:

  • Children flea market or bazaar.
  • Baking cakes together for a good purpose.
  • Christmas biscuits and selfmade handicraft for the Christmas fair.
  • Mow, wash, sweep – collect donations with manual labour.
    Especially elderly people are certainly looking forward to your help, and each neighbour is happy about a mown lawn, a well-cleaned car or a freshly-sweeped street. Tell the neighbour that you are collecting for the nature school in India and that the money is for a good cause. For a good cause, people like to give an extra tip if they can help finance a great project.
  • Organise a school or child party – a giant fun for young and old.

Donations are collected through the sale of cakes and beverages or a voluntary entry fee. Tell people that you need the money, for example, for new books or clothes for the children, because the donation is always higher if the donor knows what the money is used for. Ask your teachers if they support you in the organisation!

Organise a charity concert

Enthuse and encourage a band, a singer, a choir or a dance group to dance and make music together and collect donations for the school project with it.

The guests have a lot of fun and a wonderful afternoon or evening and the entrance fees come to the natural school in India.

Organise a raffle or a flea market

The first thing to do is to collect suitable items that will be raffled or sold later. Here, relatives, friends or neighbours can be involved, to give well-preserved or new things that are no longer needed at home: books, toys, CDs, but also wines or electronic devices – there is no limit to the diversity of ideas. It is beautiful when a great variety of different values comes together.

Companies from the region can also contribute with donations or even allocate a first prize for the raffle. The lots for a raffle will be sold on the day of the event, which will result in the actual donations. One either gets prepared lots or creates paperless ones. A small festival can also be organised around the raffle, which promotes the cooperation while information about the nature school can be published at the same time.


We want the message of nature school in India to reach as many people as possible worldwide and not be restricted by language, national or cultural barriers. The English language is a good means of communication worldwide.

For this reason, we are looking for volunteeing, native translators to translate texts for the Nature School project in the language combination:

  • In German – English, English – German

Your geographic position does not matter. The orders can be done from home via computer and email.

Are you interested? We are looking forward to a contact.