Our school family

SHIN – Founding Father and Initiator – read more


Teachers Teamread more


Cooperating partners in India


Dilbar Singh Parihar
President of the
Shin Shiva Charitable Trust

Manju und Virendra Aswal

Manju and Virendra Aswal
Hindi translation
Teacher training

Baumeister Negi

Mahipal Singh Negi
Construction manager
and school patron

volunteer cooperation partner in Europe
Since 2006, Susanne and Bhagin have been intensively supporting the establishment and further development of the school on many levels with a lot of background work, such as public relations work, the search for sponsors, friendship and dialogue with the teachers, providing inspiration for new ways and strengthening when courage, endurance and confidence are needed.
Discover more on youtube. 

Bhagin R. Kellenberger

Bhagin R. Kellenberger
Finance Orga

Vorstand-Pan Terra 2024-4

Susanne Kellenberger
Website design
Blogs and videos