We are very happy that Roland Gelfert from Überlingen/Lake Constance, Germany, visited the Nature School and worked there for a week as a guest teacher together with the children and teachers.
Known as a storyteller, he has been performing for more than three decades on various stages, preferably on stages in Russia or on village squares in Indonesia, but also likes to be at home in Central Europe, and works in theater education with school classes and independent groups.
Here is his website: www.diewortwirke.de
His great role models are the bards of the ancient Celtic culture, how they delighted, enlivened, nourished and educated people and kings alike with their stories and songs. Most of all Roland likes to tell real folk tales, in which deep wisdom – spiced with fine humor – is hidden, and myths, which tell of the development of the earth and humanity in living pictures.
So Roland brought a rich treasure of knowledge over to India to the children and teachers of the nature school. Excited and thirsty for knowledge, the children joined in and happily sang his songs, listened to his stories and word games and all had great fun.
Roland brought seeds of a Siberian cedar, which the children will lovingly care for and then plant the small trees.
A wonderful peace union between India, Russia and Germany.
Roland told us very enthusiastically about the joy of the teachers and children, about the shining children’s eyes and that he felt warmly welcomed in the school family. And he also gave some valuable tips on what we can still work on together with the teachers.
Roland would like to come again, if possible already next year. We are all looking forward to it.
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Roland's report about his visit to the nature school
Report on my stay at the school from 23rd February till 3rd of March 2023
After a rattling drive on dusty roads I arrived on the hill where the school is situated and was soothed by the tranquillity of the place. The view went far over hill and dale to a distant apparition, a city of temples built by nature from rock and ice.
This view was symbolic to me, for the name of the school Paramarth Awadhawan is ‚the way to the highest aim‘.
Yet, the magic of the place unveiled very many different surprises.
Early next morning, in a cloud of dust a yellow bus sped up to the school, and spat out a flock of laughing children. Now life began to pulsate. – Before long, they recognized the guest, greeted him and then deluged him with their questions – a good opportunity to practice their English.
Finally, after the school bus had delivered another precious load, the teachings could commence. The whole communiy gathered in the morning circle in the school yard with a sequence of prayers, songs, verses, the motto of the day, and little rhythmic plays. On every second day, there was yoga in the hall.
Afterwards, the large school community divided into the different grades and went to their respective classrooms. The guest was unquestioningly swirled into the dance of the school day. Children, together with teachers, were eager to learn and experience the new and neverheard. So with theatre exercises, guessing games, english and german songs, yoga and stories I aroused on all the five grades and the two kindergarden groups, interest, laughter and joy, and excitement or astonishment.
In all these teachings I gathered manifold my own experiences, for Indian children have a very different cultural background and another way of life. So, for example, it was not easy for them to grasp, why `Hans in Luck´ wanted to give his cow (even though she didn´t give any milk) in exchange for a pig. – On the other hand, the town musicians of Bremen (who, in this instance, were those of Pauri) gained the unending sympathy of the children.
One of the days was dedicated to the sowing of the seeds of Siberian Cedar. This holy peace tree is fit for the climate of Pauri. May they sprout and thrive and eventually enrich the growing forest on the hill!
Over and over my enthusiasm was aroused by the great openness and never ceasing will to learn, together with the deep devotion and happiness of the children.
Everyone in the school – students, teachers and employees – are like one big family. – however at the moment, a drop of sadness for this family is that after the 5th grade, the pupils have to move to government schools. But it is hoped that as soon as enough donation money is collected, another building will be constructed, so the school community can grow beyond the 5th grade.
May it happen soon!
Roland Gelfert